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Bank Negara Scholarship - First Degree (Honours)


First Degree (Honours)

Open to eligible candidates who have been offered a place to pursue Bachelor's Degree or equivalent in local and foreign universities and students who are currently pursuing Bachelor's Degree in local or foreign universities are also eligible to apply.

Local and Foreign Universities

Field of Study:

Economics / Financial Engineering / Accounting / Actuarial Science / Banking and Finance/Corporate Finance/Islamic Banking and Economics/ Law / Syariah Law / Information Technology / Mathematics / Engineering

Minimum Requirements:

Fulfilling at least one of the following criteria:

* STPM / A-Level - at least 2 A and 1 B; or
* Diploma / Matriculation - Cumulative Grade Point Aggregate (CGPA) of at least 3.50; or
* Australian Matriculation - TER of at least 85% ; or
* For candidates currently pursuing First Degree - Current CGPA of at least 3.50.
* Passed SPM with credits in Bahasa Melayu and English subjects
* Not exceeding 25 years of age on 1 July 2008
* Have confirmed or will be offered a place to pursue a First Degree in 2008 at recognised local or foreign universities

Additional Requirements:

* Good command of the English language, both written and oral
* Flexible, versatile and posses high teamwork capabilities
* Excelled in both extra-curricular activities and sports

Students who are currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree (Honours) at recognised foreign universities are also eligible to apply - Scholarship Scheme for Post Graduate Studies (Masters Degree and Ph.D). For more details please visit link HERE.


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Scholarship Level Post-graduate
Secondary School

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